In Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, she compares the differences in character between Celie and Nettie the two main characters. In this novel, Nettie and Celie have many differences in character, and the reasons why are somewhat obvious. The main differences that I will discuss in this essay are, their differences in religion, gender inequality, and their courage.
Celie and Nettie have completely different religious views based on what I have observed from the book. This is based on many different things they went through, and the different outcomes of their lives. Celie has been in a abusive situation her entire life. Her father beat and raped her, and Mr. did the same. Nettie on the other hand, escaped from her father and was able to get away from Mr. I think that the way their lives played out differently, determined their beliefs. Now to go into depth. As I said before, Celie had been in this abusive situation her entire life. She was put through so much, and based on what I have observed, she turned to God as a coping mechanism. As you can see in all of her letters, she basically asked God for answers and help. She titled all of her letters to God (until she found the letters from Nettie), which shows that God was the only person she could talk to. She told God what happened to her all the time, hoping for some kind of answer. Nettie on the other hand, had a totally different view. She made God and religion her life. She was a missionary for a living in Africa, teaching Christianity and other things to children. God was not a coping skill for her, but instead her life. This could be a result of the outcome of Nettie’s life. She was able to get away from Mr, and maybe she saw that as God saving her. There is no doubt that they had different religious view, and the reason why is very simple.
Now I am going to elaborate on their different views towards men and the gender inequality. Nettie had a had childhood as well, but yet her views are different from Celie’s . Nettie was beat by her father, but this did not change her views toward men. She still ended up marrying Samuel and raising Celie’s kids in Africa. In other words, she was able to live her life, and understand that not all men were evil, but just the ones she had in her life (other than Samuel). Celie on the other hand, grew up with a abusive father, and then had to live her life with a abusive husband that she did not want to marry. She had been around abusive men her entire life, and this had a huge impact on her. This is proven when Mr’s father comes to the house. Even though she had never met him before, she was very afraid of him. He had never done anything to her to make her afraid of him, accept the fact that he was a man. Because of her life situation, she thought that all men where evil, and dangerous. Because of this, Celie and Nettie had completely different views towards men.
Celie and Nettie have a huge difference in courage. The levels of courage, and how they obtained it are vastly different. Celie’s courage was on a very short supply up until Shug came. Celie new that as long as Shug was at the house, Mr would not touch her. Even then, Celie did not stand up for herself. She only gained the courage to say something to Mr when Shug announced that Celie was going back with her (on page 199). Nettie on the other hand, had courage since day one. She fought back with Mr the first time she had the chance, and finally left and made a life for herself.
Alice walker does a fine job comparing the similarities and character differences between the two sisters. Even though the share a very strong and compassionate sisterly connection, and went through many of the same things, they also had many different lives, which changed their personality and character. (P.S. So there it is. What I say goes, and if you don’t like it, go jump in a lake.)