Thursday, August 26, 2010

First classmate-response blog assignment: Cameron Leahy

I found this quote from Justice Toailoa's blog, and I though it is a perfect example of a girl who is not using the skills from the ASTI Constitution. Specifically number 10.
The aggression of girls can out reach any mans anger. Girls can do much more than just yell and hit. They make you feel alone and deserted. The anger of a girl doesn't just go away it will always remain there deep down inside of there minds. Waiting for the right time to strike....
I think that the reason why this is a perfect example of how number ten from the ASTI Constitution is being broken. Just to refresh you memory, number ten is Resolve Conflicts Peacefully. This quote is pretty much saying that in this case when the girls get angry, they hold a grudge as they say and wait for the perfect time to unleash their anger. Number ten of this Constitution is saying that when we have a problem, we need to handle it and a mature and peaceful way. For example, if we get in to and argument with someone about something stupid, try to talk it out nicely. If that issue is to big for you to handle it by yourselves, then don't be afraid to go to someone for help. Overall this is the general idea of the ASTI Constitution. I think the Constitution is telling us to treat every one fairly and basically that same way we want to be treated. We had something like this at my old school, by they where called life skills. They pretty much say the same thing. They are pretty much just guidelines on how to treat our pears, and how to be respectful and understanding to everyone.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Kidding and Ganging up

The only time I think I have been in a group that has made someone feel bad, was in sixth grade. I was new to the school, and I just wanted to fit in. in order to try and fit in, I joined up with a group of people where considered popular to try and fit in. They would go around trying to make people feel bad, and this made me feel bad about the kind of people I was hanging out with. I realized that even though I wasn’t making people feel bad with them, I was just as bad as them because I hung out with them. I very quickly realized that these are not the type of people that I wanted to hang out with. Once I realized this, I stopped hanging out with those people, and made new friends. I am very happy that I made this decision, because now I am still friends with those people, two of which are joining me at ASTI as we become freshman.

    Being in that kind of situation did not make me feel good at all. I felt like I was becoming the type of person no one wanted to be friends with, and that just wasn’t me. I think people bully others sometimes to make themselves feel better. Sometimes it can be connected to stress, and other personal problems that have nothing to do with the person being bullied. I don’t think that they really want to hurt their peers, but simply they have a lot of stress and anger all bottled up inside, and get it out through bullying other people. Of course there are better ways of handling this stress, but sometimes bullies don’t know how. A lot of the time people don’t want to help these bullies because they are mean to everyone. In a way, it is just a vicious cycle that never stops. Bullies bully people because they need help, but people don’t want to help them because they are bullies.


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