Saturday, April 2, 2011

Response to Vignette Project

I was looking over Stanley Anderson's Vignette Project, and I found something that caught my eye. He talks about many things that happened to him between 6th and 9th grade, and I found myself relating to a lot of it. Maybe it was because I was friends with him whole a lot of this stuff was going o, but maybe not. As I read through his vignettes, I came to the conclusion that friends meant a lot to him as he was living this time of his life. In the majority of his vignettes, he talks about girls and school. I think that this represents not only the obvious in his life, but maybe the not so obvious. Maybe just maybe girls and school are a metaphor for something much larger. Symbolizing his entire life story in a couple of short vignettes. As a friend of his, I can definatley relate to these things that he talks about. Now moving onto Christy's Vignette project. She writes, "I promised myself that I would try to be confident and leave my quietness/shyness behind. New school , New beginnings, New friends. I knew that I didn't want to be the old Christy. That one that turns bright red, the one that stutters during author’s chair." To me, this explained a lot about what some of us went through, and maybe still going through as we made this huge transition between middle school and high school. She talks about being shy and not really wanting to reach out and apply yourself, and I found myself really relating to that. I know that may be hard to believe at first because of my loud and outgoing personality. But I was shy and a little bit scared as I made this huge transition. Both Stan and Christy in a way summed up how I felt through out middle school and through out the transition between 8th and 9th grade. I feel that they both did a wonderful job addressing the problems that teen agers face during this time of their lives.

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