Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Wisdom of Insecurity Part.2

     Once again, I am reading The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan W. Watts. As I am nearing the end of the book, I am starting to understand and truly realize some of the things that he is saying in the book. He writes,
"In the ordinary way, we know this as a matter of information but do not feel it to be true. Certainly, most people feel separate from everything that surrounds them...I feel cut off only because I am split within myself, because I try to divide from my own feelings and sensations."
     This is an issue that I see all the time around me, specially as a teen ager. People generally have a hard time accepting the truth, and because of it they turn themselves into something that is not themselves. For example many teen age girls these days, try their hardest to fit in with the crowd, but in the process they are denying the fact that they are turning themselves into something they don't want to become. Their sense of identity becomes blurred at if not caught in time, they can live a good part of their lives walking in the shadow of someone else. Not showing the world who that person really is. I find this very fascinating, because of the fact that it is all around me. I am sure that I have done it. I 'm sure that I have done numerous times, but of course it is more obvious when you see it in others.

     In todays day and age, we call that "fake". Something that can be taken very offensively among the teen age community these days. The thing that I hope my readers take away from this, is simply being yourself. Not being afraid to recognize the truth. The truth in various forms. Wether it be realizing what type of person you are and affiliating yourself with the right people. Or simply catching yourself when you start to deny yourself the truth. Something that is easier said than done. I believe that Alan Watts wanted us to take this message away from his book, and I certainly have.

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