Friday, December 3, 2010

Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a boy Soldier (First Post)

This book has been by far the most sickening, disturbing, and horrifying book I have ever read. Some of the things that have been talked about in this book I have only seen in movies.  For example babies being shot, women and children being set on fire, and little kids as young as the age of ten being recruited into the rebel forces and made to kill random  people. Can you even begin to imagine watching your friends and family being shot around you, and having to dodge your way around dead bodies just to try and survive? Can you imagine being separated from your loved ones and never knowing what happened to them? Always wondering did they get captured and recruited by the rebels?
Where they shot and killed? You never know. The most depressing thing about this to me, is the fact that this is a true story. Ishmael somehow escapes the horror of Sierra Leone which I will read later in the book. Ishmael says somewhere in the seventh chapter, “Even a 12 year old cannot be trusted anymore.” After that, he explained how children as young as the age of ten are recruited into the rebels. Because of this,  people don’t know if young children are rebel spies, or there to kill random people for no reason at all. It has been very sad and depressing to read the horrible things that where done to people in Sierra Leone. I have no doubt that the things I read from this point on will only get worst, but I cant’s stop reading the book. I definitely feel like our discussions that happened  today in class was a success and I look forward to more of them!

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