Friday, December 17, 2010

A Long Way Gone Part 3

Now that I have read the whole story, I can reallt reflect on the book. This book has taught me the true effects of war. The effects on children of all ages. How it ruins innocent families, and messes with everyone's head. The point on the book that I realized this was when Ismahel was in Rehab. He said that when he turned on the water, he saw blood coming out of the Tap. He was halucinating, and it was because of what he had seen in war. Can you imagine getting caught up in war at the age of twelve? Starting off running away from war, but in the end becoming part of it? This is something that nobody should have to go through especially a twelbe year old. By the age of sixteen he was a soldier who had to kill innocent people and take peoples food and supplies. This has been the saddest book I have ever seen, and as I have said before, everytime you think it cant get any worst... it does. Some of the imagery in this book are things I have only seen or heard about in movies. There where points in the book when I seriously considered not readong anymore because it was emotionally hard to read. I will never forget this book, and I am thinking about reading it again. i usually don't find a book that I like enough to read a second time, but I think I will with this book. I would reccomend thisbook to anyone, and I think it is something everyone should read. I will probably give my book to ASTI just because I feel like this s something the next year freshmen should read as a class. It is definatley not easy readin because it makes you think and sends your emotions off the chain, but none the less it is wonderful and movnig book.

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