Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Free Post: MUSIC

Music is everything. I am a musician and live music. Play music, listen to it, and record/produce it. While I am writing this, I am currently blasting music in my room. I admit that it is a little distracting but I'm still getting things done. My dad is a part-time music producer, and it has rubbed off on me completely. Everyday when I come home, I get my homework done and then get on the computer and make music.

My dad has taught me how to use professional equipment and computer software to make music. It is totally a hobby, but the best thing about it is that I have a friend who shares the same interest. The coolest thing about that is that we share ideas and sometimes edit each others work. I don't want music to be my career, but I am not going to give it up later in life. To this day I am still taking lessons, because I never stop learning. How long I have been taking lessons is irrelevant, because I never stop learning.

Music club at ASTI is perfect for me because it gives me a way to socialize with my friends while doing what I love. I drum in music club, and yes drumming is my main instrument(s). After I get my degree in computer science and become a pilot in the Air Force (hopefully) I would be interested  to get my degree in music. Maybe at the same time as computer science, but that might become very overwhelming.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great to have that much music in your life. I also think it's interesting that although you love music, you don't want it to be your career. A lot of people automatically assume that whatever a person is good at in high school is what they're going to follow with later on, but that's not always true.



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