Sunday, January 23, 2011

Quickwrite: Celies Relationship with God

Celie’s letters to God tell me one thing. She needed a coping mechanism. I think that these letters were her way of venting her problems. She had no one she could talk to, and she was going through a lot through out her entire life. I am not very far in the book yet, but I can already tell that she has not have an easy life. Her father has raped her multiple time, and she has to be the mother figure in the house to her siblings.She has that mother like responsibility, because she is the oldest child, and her mother died. Having her mother die is tragic enough. But on top of that she has to take care of her siblings, and is constantly abused by her father. Could you imagine life like that?
Many people keep things bottled up inside them, and more some people it is unhealthy. Many people go talk to therapists or counselors, but Celie did not have the money or recourses to do this. She could not talk to her mother because she was dead, and she could not talk to her father, because he was the one abusing her. God was like an outlet to her, and these letters are like her journal or diary. She dates them to God because that is her only outlet. 
For many religious people, they believe that talking to God will help. In other words, if you talk to God individually, he will answer your prayers. Maybe this is true and maybe not, but I think that she made the letters to God in hope that he would answer her prayers. I think that as I read on, she might loose faith in God because bad things keep happening to her. But maybe not. 

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