Friday, January 14, 2011

Response to Stan Anderson's Post

Stan responded to Vanessa's post, and I am responding to Stan's Post. In his post he says...

"Guys do have to work hard. They are the ones who have to work up the nerve to even go up to the girls that they like and have the guts to ask them out."

Vanessa and Stan are debating about if it is easier for a man to get a girlfriend, or a women to get a boyfriend. personally, I have to agree with Stan on this one. It is much harder for a man to get a girlfriend. Guys constantly have women on their minds (at least at this age), and getting one is not the easiest task in the world. There are many factors that you have to take into account. Building up the courage to ask them, trying to make sure that they like you before you ask them, and last but not least simply finding a girl that you like enough to go out with. Plus, based on what I have seen in the past, the chances of a guy saying yes is more probable. Meaning that more guys actually say yes when they are asked out than women. Women tend to be more picky about their guys than men. 


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