Friday, December 10, 2010

A Long Way Gone (Post 2)

This part of the book brobably tops off the last section of the book by far. I would say that the reason why this part is the worst so far is because Ishmael gets caught and recruited by the rebels. Some of the things that he has to do in the rebels is horrifying. He constantly sees dead bodies, and has to deal with these images in his mind for the rest of his life. Can you imagine not knowing what happened to your family? Are they dead? Are they alive? Where my brothers also caught by the rebels? Did they escape this horrablle torture? There have been moments while reading this book, when I wanted to stop reading because it was so intense. In my opinion, I thought that the Kite Runner was very intense until I read this book. Some of the things that Ishmael has to go through in this book are so horrifying that nobody should every have to go through stuff like this. He is constantly having to see dead bodies, and even is forced to kill someone at the age of twelve. I think that one of the things that gets me the most about this book is one simple question. What is the Rebels point in killing all of these innocent people? What did they ever do to them? All thy where doing was trying to live their life and support their families. Who has the right to take that away from anybody? This subject gets me a little upset just thinking about it. I want to read more even though I don't at the same time. I am going to read more anyway!

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