Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Can't Wait For This Summer

This summer is going to be a lot of fun for me. The main thing that I am looking forward to is the driving. Literally a week after school gets out I will be fifteen and a half, and able to get my drivers permit. Even though I Will still have to drive with a licensed adult it will still be a lot of fun, and one step closer to my licence. I have been waiting to be able to drive for a long time, and it only seems like time is going slower as i get closer to being able to drive. My parents and grandma let me drive around the old navy base here in Alameda sometimes, and my grandma lets me drive around her neighborhood. There are a couple of things wrong with that. First its not legal, and second i can't really drive anywhere. I simply can't wait to be able to drive.

The second thing that I can not wait for this summer, is being able to actually work. I have been lifeguarding as a volunteer the past couple of summers here in Alameda, but I am sick of not being paid. This summer I will be able to get a work permit and actually get a real job as a lifeguard. My cousin used to be a lifeguard when I was a child, and I have always wanted to follow her foot steps when it comes to lifeguarding. Now that I am fifteen, i am able to finally do that and lifeguard.

This summer is going to be filled with new and excited things that i am looking forward too. I like the fact that I am finally growing up and able to do more things that I have been waiting for for a couple of years. Driving, lifeguarding, and what ever else plays out this summer!

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