Friday, October 1, 2010

Mom.... it's just 1 missing assignment

I found this quote from Stan Anderson's Blog and I found that I completely agree with what he is saying.
"It is not the end of the world if i have one missing assignment....."
I agree when stan says that parents freak out about little things such as one little missing assignment. I do find Schoolloop a very useful tool to help us stay in top of our grades, but when it comes to parents.... Schoolloop is a curse. Sometimes when you know you are not doing so well in a class, you don't want your parents to find out, and to just have a little bit if time to figure out how to pull the grade up. But apparently thats not how Schoolloop works. I found that every night your parents actually get the emails form Schoolloop before us students. This is just perfect because now when we have a bad grade, your parents know about it first and you come home and get in trouble.

I love the fact that my parents are there for me when it comes to school, and in anything that I do, but sometimes it seems like parents only look at the bad things. They will see your grades with all A's and maybe one C, and the C is all they pay attention too. I understand that they want us to do well in school, but sometimes that constant nagging about our grades doesn't help, but wait it gets better. When you have a bad grade, and they know because of Schoolloop, they use it to their advantage. When you ask for something, the fist  thing that comes out of their mouths is "have you seen or grades on Schoolloop?". It has been better this year, because my grades have been much better at ASTI than in middle school, but still is a little bit of space when it comes to grades too much to ask for?

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