Thursday, October 7, 2010

Video Games... Good or Bad?

I am a nerd when it comes to video games, and I probably play way too much than I should. I am a huge Halo fan, and I recently got the new one called Halo Reach. Everyday after school, I have been  rushing home and getting homework out the way so I can hurry up and turn on the Xbox. Some scientists say that video games are not healthy for the brain, and that people should not play them. As you read on, I will give my opinion of why I think video games do not have a negative effect.

Personally as a video game addict, I think that these types of games do nothing but good things for you. First, they help you practice your hand eye coordination because you have to control your person in the game and make him/her do things to complete the game. Second, it practices multitasking. Many times in a game, you will have to try and complete many different objectives at once. This makes you think and really try to focus on what you have to do to complete the game. Last but not least they are simply fun to play, and they help keep you from being bored.

Yes I can admit that i probably play way more video games than I should, but lets just face it. As a teenage boy I am addicted!

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