Monday, September 13, 2010

Prostitution Rebuttal: Cameron & Stan

The cons made some very good points, how ever we still have to respectfully disagree. The first point we have to disagree with, is this quote found on the cons opening statement. They said "The first reason why prostitution is bad is because it can cause women to have an abortion and it affects their health.". We find that when a woman has an abortion yes it does sometimes affect the women's health, but none the less it is the womens'  choice to be a prostitute as well as the women's choice to not have the child and have an abortion. I don't want to go in to the whole abortion topic because we can g on about this all day, but our main point is simply that 9 out of 10 times the overall decision to be in the prostitution business is the prostitutes choice. Lets just say that the women does become pregnant and birth control fails, simply think about whose fault it is.

Secondly, the cons stated this. "The reason why prostitution is bad is because it can cause women to have HIV/AIDS and other STD’s but also men can receive it too from the prostitute.". Once again, we have to go back to what we said before. All the risks that are affiliated with prostitution are risks that are taken by the prostitute and the buyer. Plus on the other hand if prostitution was made legal, prostitutes would need prostitution licenses so that they could be kept track of. All of the known prostitutes would have to have regular health screenings, and if they did not show up for them their licenses would be take away. If they where caught selling with out a license,, then they would be put in jail for a while. This would solve the problem of unknown and illegal prostitutes, as well as the problem of prostitutes not having health screenings.

The last point that the con side mentioned is that if prostitution was made legal, it would leed to human trafficking. This is a good point but still the idea of making all prostitutes have licenses, would solve it. If a women was caught selling herself with out a license, they would be put in jail. Once someone is put into jail they check to make sure that they are citizens, and if they are not citizens, then they would be deported and sent home. This would solve two things. First, it would help the illegal prostitution problem, as well as the illegal immigrant problem (to some extent).

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