Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Response to Tony Lin's Opening Statement for his Debate On Social Networking

I found this qoute from Tony Lin's Opening Statement for his debate on why social networking is a good thing. "
" Social networking allows people to talk over long distances. If your mom or one of your relatives live oversees and you wanted to see or talk to them you could go on gmail or Facebook and video chat, talk, or message them. Instead of paying for a phone, social networking allows people to voice chat, or on some sites call people for free."
This quote jumped out at me because of a personal experience that I had last April. In April over spring break, I took a trip to Europe with a friend and his parents. my parents were not with me, and i could not use my cell phone overseas. We visited Scotland, England, and France, and I needed a way to keep in touch with my family. Since a numerous amount of people in my family have a Facebook, it was a very easy way to send messages to my friends and family, as well as posting pictures of all the places we visited.

The trip was only supposed to last a total of two weeks but for those of you who don't know, there was a huge volcano eruption in Europe that grounded all air traffic. Scientists said that it was unsafe for the planes to fly in the volcanic ash, and so all flights were grounded and cancelled. Because we just so happened to be there during this time, our flight was cancelled too. Since we had no idea when they were going to start letting flights back out, we were pretty nervous. My parents were nervous as well, because they had no idea when I was going to be able to come home. Facebook played a HUGE part in this trip, because it was the way that my family and I stayed in contact. This quote absolutely applied to me when I was stranded there in Europe, and my story is absolute proof that what Tony was saying about social networking sites is true!

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