Thursday, September 23, 2010

Response to Aleah's post on "Is the N-word ok for White People?"

I found this quote on Aleah's Blog and we are starting a debate about it. I have a a strong feeling about this topic of the N-word and what I feel about certain people saying the word.

Today during P.E. my classmates and I were having a very serious/jokey debate on who can say the N-word. Another African-American students was on my debate side and two Caucasian students were together a female, and male. Keep in my this student was a sophomore. So the N-word came up. Usually it can be said just out of fun when African American's Sais it but it sounded really discriminatory, when this particular Caucasian student said it. Me and my debate partner stopped our football game and said “you can’t say that, your not black”, and then the other student said “Why not? If black people call themselves that than why can’t I” That’s when the debating started.

Me and my partner didn’t care about the fact that Black people use that term everyday to call themselves that, its very racist to say that, not coming from and African-Americans mouth. The other sides debate was “If I’m dating the N-Word ending in -ger- that’s a different word ending in -ga-“, They kept repeating “We can say if you can say it” Then our reaction came “we can’t stop you from saying the N-Word, but if you say it that’s a death wish” The majority of black people I know wouldn’t fight  over anything, so I’m not guaranteeing that they would get thrown off the bridge, I am just saying that using a very Controversial word like if offense if you are non African-American and say it.
I have to somewhat disagree with what Aleah is saying about White people saying the N-word. Before I go no about how i feel about this, I want to point out that I am mixed with Black and White so some of my points will be supporting both sides of the debates. First I want to make very clear where the the N-word originated. The N-word originated during the time of slavery in the U.S. which referred to a slave being lower or not as good as the white slave master.

My first point, is simply this. If it is not acceptable for a White person to say the N-word because it is disrespectful and prejudice, then why would Black people want to call each other this word if it is these things. All I am saying about this is keeping in mind what the word really mean, why would it be ok for anyone to use the word to refer to a Black person including Black people. personally form my Black side and my White side speaking, I am not comfortable for anyone to say the word.

I do undestand that yes the term can be taken disrespectful coming from a White person, but if the White person is saying it to a freind and means it in a freindly or brotherly way, than why is it unacceptable? Yes it is absoloutly unacceptable for a White person or any person from another race to call a RANDOM Black person the N-word, but if you are freonds and you mean it in a RESPECTFUL AND BROTHERLY WAY, than why is it bnot acceptable?

I do beleive that if a Black person in not confortable with a White person calling him/her the N-word, than they need to respect that and not use the word around them. I would keep going on about this, but I want to have some metirial for later debate rounds and topics. If you have a response to my post and this debate please feel free to post and jump in on your post.

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