Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Two Random Paragraphs

Well these two paragraphs that you will read bellow are a couple of assignments that we had to do for Mrs. Corbally's class. Since I was a little bit absent minded about what to write for my first blog post, I chose to include these two assignments. The first one is called "The Best Food Ever", and the second one is called "The Best Age Ever". Please feel free to comment about these two paragraphs, because the I am very interested in hearing what other people think!

The Best Food Ever

            People say that there is nothing like your grandmothers cooking, and that’s absolutely true. The best food ever always comes from my Grandmothers kitchen, where there is never anything I don’t like. My favorite dish she makes is her Pot Roast. She cooks it with carrots, potatoes, and of course the mouth watering Gravy. Every time she tells us we are having it for dinner, no one objects. What she does is she cooks the meat halfway to speed up the cooking process in the slow cooker a little bit, but at the same time, she collects all the meat drippings from the pan. She uses all the meat drippings to make the gravy, which she then puts in the slow cooker along with the meat and veggies. When you take a single bite, your mind wanders off into heaven, and you always go back for more even though you are stuffed from all the times you went back before. Once you finally decide that you shouldn’t have anymore or else your stomach will explode, you are already half way into a food coma. Once the full food coma finally hits you, all you can do is lay in bed and try your best not to fall asleep. My Grandma’s Roast is so good that you could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (if it hasn’t been eaten all up by the entire family the previous night). It is impossible to imagine the mouth watering taste just buy putting it in to words, but I know that if you had a single taste, you would feel the same way!

The Best Age Ever

            Hanging out with friends, getting in to trouble, and actually enjoying school even though you complain to your parents otherwise. This is the definition of being fourteen. I am fourteen, and I never though it would be so much fun. 14 is the age when your parents actually start to trust you a little bit more, and give you more freedom. Now is the age where I can hang out with friends with out having to call home every 30 minuets, or getting in trouble when I get home for not answering my phone. As well as finally be able to go shopping by myself with out my mom telling me to not waist my money, but being fourteen isn’t all fun and games. As I get older, I have more and more responsibilities. For example babysitting, and fixing dinner (only on Tuesdays). As well as making sure I stay on top of my school work with my parents nagging me to get my homework done (don’t get me wrong, they help me if I need it). In some ways I like the responsibility, because it shows that I am growing up and becoming more mature. On the other hand, sometimes it can get a little bit overwhelming. Overall being fourteen is a wonderful experience that I will never forget.

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