Thursday, November 4, 2010

Being Sick

Being sick absolutely sucks. I caught whatever I have from my mom, who caught it from my sister. Just like the Kite Runner, just when I though this couldn't get any worse... it did. It all started on Monday. I first noticed that I was getting sick with a sore throat.  I did not think much of it, since I had had little cold before. I had no idea that this would turn into a full out flu. Now I feel about ten times worst. I still have a sore throat, but wait it gets better. I have a extremely bad headache, and I can feel my head throbbing with every heartbeat. I can not breath through my nose, which is simply a pain. To top all of that off, I have a fever of 101 degrees. There is absolutely no way I am coming to school tomorrow.


  1. me and melissa think your background is amazing. i probably reflects the mood you are in. i hop you eat one of those grape flavored bear lollipops that cure sickness. they are delicious

  2. me and yort <3 your back ground it is the beautifulest. hopefully you don't die because that won't be very swell

  3. Take good care and stay warm. You can make up yo' stuff later if you feel up to it.



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