Monday, November 1, 2010

First 120 pages: Kite Runner

The first thing that Mr. Sutherland said to us before we got the book, is "Every time you think the book can't get anymore serious, it does!" As I have read the first 120 pages, I have found this to be true. The most intense thing that I have read so far, is the part when Hassan gets raped. I was just caught in shock because I had no idea that the book would go that far. I want to stay on the topic of the rape. I do not understand things that happen during that whole situation. First of all, why didn't Amir do ANYTHING at all to try and help his friend who was being raped? All he was stood there and watched the whole thing. On the other hand, I do understand there is a possibility that he was in complete shock about the whole situation, but who knows? In class today we had a discussion about this topic (which for the record did not go so well), and some ideas of why he did not do anything to help his buddy. One of them is simply complete shock as I mentioned before. The thing that made sense to me possibly he was afraid that he may get his butt kicked because it was three 15 years old, so that part is understandable. but in that case, why didn't he try and go get some help? That goes back to maybe the idea of absolute shock, or my opinion of being embarrassed because he could not help his friend himself. Those are my ideas about the whole situation, and I may never know the truth!

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