Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite Runner Part Three

Today in class, we got into a pretty heated discussion (yelling & throwing chairs) and I want to let my point be known.  We started talking about the part when Hassan left Amir’s house. Some people in our debate felt like it was Amir’s fault that Hassan died, so I asked why? Their idea was that Amir made Hassan leave the house and then he was killed by the Taliban. My first response to this, was that even though Hassan did leave the house for whatever reason, Amir had nothing to do with the Taliban. Immediately, the  opposing side said that if Hassan had never left the house, than all of that wouldn’t have happened. My feeling about all of this, is that Amir did not physically make Hassan leave the house. However, Amir did say some things that may have made Hassan upset and caused him to leave. None the less, the way Hassan reacted to what Amir said was entirely up to Hassan, and had nothing to do with Amir. Even if Amir did somehow force Hassan out of the house (which he didn’t), Amir cannot be blamed for the Taliban. Obviously the Taliban has been and is currently an ongoing problem in that part of the world, and Amir was not a part of the Taliban. It would be obscured to say that Amir wanted Hassan to be killed by the Taliban. Sometimes people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The example that I used in class to prove my point was this. Let’s say that I am hosting a party, and someone gets super drunk. Around 1:00am I say the party is over, and that everyone has to leave my house. That same drunk person decides to drive home. He ends up hitting another car, and killing the driver. It is not my fault that the other driver was killed. Just because I said the party was over and people had to go home, is not the cause of that persons death. That is my metaphor for the whole situation, and aside from that whole debate, I loved the book. It was one of the few books that I have been forced to read as an assignment and liked. I liked it, and am seriously considering reading it a second time. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in reading it!

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