Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kite Runner Part Two

I am posting this a little late because I was very sick when it was due and did not get a chance to do this then. Part two of the kite runner has been very interesting so far. The part that is striking me the most, is when Baba gives Amir the car. There is really nothing special about this part, accept for when Baba says that he wished Hassan was there at the time. As I read through this section of the book, I could tell that this made Amir upset. I get the feeling that all along Amir has seen Hassan as a threat too Baba’s love. In other words, I think that Amir saw the situation as a competition for Baba’s love even though Hassan did not. I think when Baba and Amir moved to California, Amir was probably somewhat happy because he finally had Baba all too himself. But when Baba mentioned how much he missed Hassan and how he wished that he could be with them in California, I think that made Amir Fell many emotions all at the same time. Jealous, sad, angry, unsecure. Those are the feelings that I think Amir was feeling during that whole seen. Over all from what I have read in the book, Amir has had quite the hard life. Hard in some ways. Yes he lived with a rich father in a nice big house and a mustang, but the things he went through growing up as a child. For example, the rape. Now for the rest of his life, he has to live with the guilt for not helping his friend. He also lives with the thought that his own father does not love him as much as he loves his friend. Whether or not this is true is irrelevant, because Amir does not know the truth. Overall, I come to the conclusion that Amir’s life does not get any easier as I read on.

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