Sunday, November 14, 2010

Post About Whatever

I am just posting about whatever since I don’t have a specific topic I want to post about today. I guess I will post about the new video game I got. It is called Call Of Duty Black Ops. It is by far the best game I have ever played. The graphics are amazing too the point where you almost feel like you are watching areal movie as you play it. And the story is so deep, it leaves you not wanting to put away the controller. It is a little bit like a good book. For example the Kite Runner. Every time you think it can’t get better… it does. Plus there is an online multiplayer mode that kicks a**. It is so much fun, because you earn money to buy and customize your weapons and equipment. I recommend this game to anyone who likes first person shooters, and if you don’t believe how good this game is, go buy it and see for yourself.

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